Either sitemeter.com is full of shit or I underestimated how widespread voyeurism is. I guess I'm not the only person who gets their rocks off watching people do their washing at 4.25pm every Monday afternoon.
My gripe is how you get this all for free. Well not exactly. I throw all this shit out for people to read. I like to read. I'm sure other people do too. But for holy fuck on a platter, you perverts just read it. If I had physical copies, I'd at least know that someone was holding it, perusing it and leaving it on their bathroom for their flatemates to silently mock while they defecate. Even using it instead of their sock in a pinch.
But that scenario is so much better than you, the Internet, absorbing all this text and then outclicking and continuing on your internetting journey. There is no trace of you being here. You are all dead to me, Caspers of the dot com generation. You walk right in, but you don't sit down, watch a movie, drink a beer and feel comfortable passing wind. You are like an uneasy house guest, looking at the decor, shuffling your feet and making your own way out. You know a good cunt when they jump the back fence and go straight to the fridge, and you don't bat an eyelid.
This makes perfect sense to me.
So if that didn't, here it is in a blunt force trauma kind of way.
If anyone wants a review or opinion based article written on a subject, please make a suggestion. I need stimuli, I need muses, I need to eat more garlic. And I know you lot are reading this. So submit cd's, places, food, books, whatever you want to my email or leave a comment.
Let's see if you cunts actually have fingers, if you fall for this bait switch double entendre reverse psychology, or if you just lurk this to see how eligible for a disability pension I am.
Which I am.
11 years ago
I feel like I should say something.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed your weird account of your weird trip to Melbourne.
I have never commented before, because I usually just read your blog and wonder what drugs you have taken prior to posting. That doesn't mean I don't like it though.
I have fingers.
ReplyDeleteI am the aforementioned pervert. I have been following your blog for a while now. I don't care if this sounds pretentious, but I want your opinion on whether you think free thought actually exists, or whether everything we say/think/produce has been before and we're simply the regurgitators of this lifetime, naively thinking we're original thinkers.
ReplyDeleteFreedom and liberty for all to anything they want, any old time. America, flag, rock and eagle.
ReplyDeleteAt least free will exists in a wanky existential Jean Paul Sartre kind of way. Even if I had a gun pointed at my head, facing immediate death tied to a chair, I could still have the free will to choose my response to the situation. Be it cry like a girl or tell them I fish hooked their mother while she was wrapped in alfoil. Free thought is a different kettle of fish, but along the same lines of philsophy. Last night at the pub this kind of came up and it is weird that you're mentioning it. Nothing is original, everything is rehash, it is simply a matter of choosing something that hasn't been rehashed lately or as much to your knowledge and rehashing it some more. But do you mean does free thought exist in a fatal kind of sense, where we are programmed in some way to act out a train of actions based on our outside stimuli, and we are passengers to these actions?
My reply is more pretentious than your question. But I woke up all smart today.
I'm in agreement with you that free will exists in some fashion, that I don't doubt.
ReplyDeleteThat concept that our thoughts are fatal is an interesting one, and yes, I meant more along the lines of the way we think as a result of our environment, as of birth, from the womb even. It's just interesting that we consider ourselves free thinkers when every thought we conjure is a taught one, in some form or another. Absolute free thought
essentially does not exist, but I guess it just comes down to what you define as 'free thought'.
I genuinely enjoy your blog by the way, I'm yet to find anything as original. And you're local, which is pretty cool.
Keep talking about smart things, you like, have a smart thing going on, I like that.
ReplyDeleteBut now smart isn't the right frame of mind. Too much cider leads to sleep, only to wakeup to the realization you are getting dragged to gatecrash a party of people you despise.
The only reason I mention this is because you say local.