Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Victor and Hugo,

Those bunglers in crime closely followed by those mischievous chimps, Bangers and Mash.
Which leads me to how I found this album i'm about to prescribe to you lads and ladesses.

First amongst all the Jay Z commotion was born the Grey Album by Dangermouse.
Then spawned from this, was the monstrosity known as the Jaydiohead album by Digi Fresh productions, which mashed Radiohead and the Rocafella together, fuck a competitor whatever.

Then came Jay-Zeezer and the Black and Blue album, which consisted of Weezer's infamous Blue album and Jay-Z's Album Noir facing off in one of those really bad but really good ways, the sort of way that makes listening to The Sweater Song a course in wanting to make you go out and shoot people, as opposed to holding hands with a girl and walking down the street in a festive manner.

Now, due to my obsession with chiptune and all things geek and analogue,
comes Weezer - The 8 Bit Album.
According to the Pterodactyl Collective, the cult responsible for this amazing piece of what the fuck eshay this is on level with the devil brand of ear fuck, they have taken it straight to Super Mario Two. All sorts of floating princesses and egg spitting dinosaur real speak.

The songs on this compilation have mostly been created using original videogame hardware running home-brew software, and vary radically in style, from minimal 'one man and his Game Boy' compositions to 8-bit inspired full band performances.

Cop it here.

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